
Make a reservation here online or call 941-758-2582 ext. 160. to make a reservation.
Please note: Any reservation made after Friday at 3:00PM will NOT be received until the following Monday morning. No reservation is made until you get a confirmation. Thank you!
Dining Dress Code
Casual Country Club attire is acceptable for regular dining. Acceptable Casual Country Club Attire includes blouses for women, collared shirts for men, golf shirts, knit tops, khaki pants or walking shorts, slacks or skirts.
Jeans are discouraged.
Unacceptable attire includes cutoffs, short shorts, gym or running shorts, sweat or jogging suits, ripped, torn or ragged clothing, tee shirts or tank tops. Gentlemen must remove their hats when in the dining room, after 5:00PM in the bar, and on Sunday all day. Tee Shirts and hats are allowed at the Tiki Bar.